If you are currently in the construction Define attrition Joker industry you are very familiar with the removal of junk and waste material from a job site. Unfortunately this waste is a part of the job and there is not much you can do with it. This is where we at Lexington junk movers can help you with your job site cleanup on a regular basis. We offer clean up during construction and post-construction as well. Removal of the construction material is a tedious task but by working with us it is very easy. All you have to do is schedule a time for us to arrive on site, show us exactly what needs to be cleared up and hauled away, then leave there rest to us.
We can handle some of the most common junk material such as...
All types of wood
Scrap metal
the above list is all of things that we collect for potential recycling. For items we tend to donate or dispose of we can pick up your
Cinder blocks
House breaks
Work carpeting, furniture
Tiles of all kind
House siding
......and anything else you would consider reusable or donation worthy